The way we ‘work’ is being redefined and disrupted with digital workers complementing the physical workforce in tandem to maximize economies of cost efficiency. Businesses today are focusing on key processes, which have well-defined operating procedures. However, they involve multiple repetitive and mundane tasks, low employee IP requirement to execute, high operating frequency leading to lower employee satisfaction and lack of work-life balance. It is imperative that business-critical processes are run without fail and with high accuracy.

Reimagining the way forward, service delivery for process automation is moving from a transaction-based model to an analytical one. The result – reduced operational cost, high efficiency and accuracy, amplified human workforce potential, and quicker service delivery.

Business Need

  • Low ESAT resulting in high attrition rates due to high volumes of repetitive and non-value-added tasks in the job profile
  • Low customer satisfaction due to higher response lead times
  • High dependency on high-performing resources
  • High operational cost of standard processes
  • Increasing liabilities due to non-adherence to SLA and compliance regulations/policies
  • Millennial workforce demand for jobs, which have high customer interaction, high emotional intelligence, and cognitive decision-making

Our Solutions

The primary objective of process automation is to streamline processes by assigning non-value-added, redundant tasks to bots and relying on the human workforce for complex cognitive and value-added tasks. To achieve this, it is imperative to standardize and streamline the target process through improvement/intervention/re-engineering, making it automation ready. The automation opportunity index is the measure of the automation feasibility of a process. While arriving at this index, the following are the key process attributes that must be analyzed:

  • Business value of the process
  • Average volume of transactions and peak volume
  • Average process handling time
  • Structured/unstructured data
  • Extent of well-defined/rule-based processes
  • Type of applications involved

Other than the above-listed process attributes, it is also advised to analyze the historical data to understand the nature and nuances of the process to implement process automation. ITC Infotech has a proprietary methodology (the E3 framework) for identifying, prioritizing, and creating a roadmap for the automatable process. The Automation Center of Excellence governs implementation, continuous deployment, and support & maintenance phases.

Business Benefits

  • Improved quality and decreased error rate
  • Improved employee and customer satisfaction
  • Reduced turnaround time
  • Enhanced resource management
  • Reduced operational cost
  • Increased visibility into process performance
  • Improved adherence to SLA
  • Improved compliance
  • Improved reporting and governance

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